Courgette Flower & Sweet Corn Tacos

Recipe Tabs


This is another of those recipes that was born out of desperation in my Dublin kitchen. I've tasted courgette flower quesadillas and stuffed courgette flowers before, they're quite traditional in Mexico, but they are fresh, so when I was first faced with tinned courgette flowers I thought, great! I don't have to miss them any more, but then I realised you can't do many of the things we do to the fresh ones. So I put my thinking cap on and came up with this little recipe. It's simple and delicious and perfect to make tacos with. I used shop bought corn tortillas from My Mexican Shop (of course!), but you can make your own following my recipe here in the blog. You will also need some refried beans to add to your tacos. Buy them or make your own. Hope you like it!


For the Filling:

Heat the oil in a non-stick pan at medium heat and cook the onion, garlic and chili for a few minutes until the onion is translucent.


Add the courgette flowers and sweet corn and cook for further five minutes before adding the oregano and milk. Let this simmer for 2 or 3 minutes.


Crumble the feta cheese onto the pan and mix well. Cook covered for 3 minutes stirring occasionally until cheese is melted. Take off the heat and leave it covered to keep it warm while you move on to prepare the rest of the components of your tacos.


Making the Tacos:

Heat your corn tortillas in a dry, non-stick pan for 30 seconds on each side and keep them warm by wrapping them in a thick tea towel or a tortilla oven if you have one. Heat the refried beans in the microwave and place them at the table with the taco filling and the warm corn tortillas. The rest is easy. Grab a warm tortilla and spread some refried beans on it with a spoonful of the courgette flower filling; fold it and enjoy it!



These tacos are super fast to make and delicious! Perfect vegetarian feast! Hope you like them!