Hi, I'm Lily and I'm the Mexican Cook in Ireland. Before you ask, as I'm sure you will, after all it is the one question I get asked the most: How in the name of God did a Mexican Cook find herself living in Ireland, writing about Mexican Food and basically eating and cooking her way through everything in the Irish pantry and mashing it up with her Mexican roots? Well, let me tell you a story...
Some years ago, I found myself on a study trip to Japan with 120 other students of the Japanese Language from all over the world. I was suffering from extreme food-culture shock (mainly, I couldn't hack a whole boiled fish and steamed rice for breakfast one more day). I made my way into a local Kiko donuts (or something like that) with several other Latin Americans in the group and there I met the Irish love of my life, Alan, who was the only European brave enough to hang out with the Brazilians, who were a rowdy crowd. It was 1996.
Fast forward five years and you'll find me moving to Ireland; fast forward another three years and you'll find me back in Mexico getting married to that same Irish guy. Yes, yes, I know I'm leaving a lot out but this is not my autobiography, just the about page, when I get a book deal, you'll get the romantic story and all the details then! Although I give a lot away through out my posts! (cheeky)
I've been now living in Ireland for 15 years and I love it! I started on my food journey soon after moving here, when I found myself homesick for the flavours of my Mexican home. I found cooking (and of course eating) quite cathartic and soothing. The blog is a labour of love and passion: my passion for real Mexican food, sharing food around a table with family and friends, something that is not trendy or faddable (if that's a word!), it's part of me and who I am; it's my way to retain my heritage and to share the kind of Mexican food other Mexicans have, not burritos, or fajitas but real, authentic, heart-warming dishes from a country full of contrasts and deep respect for its cuisine.
You'll normally find me running our shop Picado Mexican or in my Dublin kitchen, pottering around, experimenting with new recipes, growing food in my small back garden, entertaining friends or planning another mad cake for my friends or family. I'm a member of The Irish Food Bloggers Association and I passionately believe in the Slow Food ethos of good, clean and fair food. I have a very extensive collection of cookery books and I believe one can never have enough kitchen tools or gadgets: You name it, I have it!
Despite the very cold and wet days, I love living in Ireland with Alan, my other half, who is chief recipe taster (not tester), main driver, demo helper, business partner, cookie quality control and friend. We keep a nice balance at home: I cook, we eat, he washes up: a match made in heaven!
If you want to contact me, please feel free to drop me a line at lily@amexicancook.ie I'll be delighted to hear from you!