As you know, I got invited to take part in the Theatre of Food at Electric Picnic 2013 again. I was over the moon as it is one of my favourite food gigs of the year. I love doing the demo, but I also absolutely love hanging around the tent and attending demos and talks throughout the weekend. The line up this year was fab and I got to meet some amazing chefs and food producers, as well as meeting old friends and making new ones. If you are interested in any shape or form in food, this is an incredibly good stage for it.
My demo this year had a bit of a show biz flare. I enjoy doing interactive demonstrations and a lot of hands on cooking, so naturally when choosing my theme for this year, I went a bit mad and declared war on the packet 'enchilada' sold widely in most supermarkets. We had four blind tasters, made three different enchilada sauces from scratch while the packet was made and cook. I was incredibly fortunate to have the help of the super talented and one of Ireland's most wonderful chefs, Caitlin Ruth from Deasy's Harbour Bar and Restaurant in Clonakilty. Caitlin was so amazing and agreed to make the shop bought packet of enchiladas and one of the sauces from scratch. We made entomatadas, which went head to head with the 'enchiladas' from the packet, enmoladas (mole chicken tacos) and enchiladas verdes (Green Enchiladas) which will be posted in the blog in the next couple of days.
The demo went very well and the result was a resounding win for the authentic, made from scratch entomatada by a panel of four hungry festival goers. Three out of the four chose the real McCoy!! We had a great time, the audience was really lovely and thanks to our expert master of ceremonies and an experienced explorer of Mexican sea waters, Jim Kennedy, from Atlantic Sea Kayaking, the whole thing worked like clockwork! I want to take this opportunity to thank Sally and John McKenna from McKenna's Guides and to the whole team at VSC Events for making the Theater of Food possible.