Where to buy
Description :We are huge fans of Old Farm Pork. Margaret and Alfie are part of a passionate wave of Irish farmers that believe in sustainable farming practices that truly deliver free range animals and outstanding products. The piggies have free access to the lovely fields of their North Tipperary farm. They rummage at will and run around all day long (it's true, I've seen them). When the weather is poor, they freely retire to their piggy houses for some warm and cozy rest in their hay beds.
They are fed organic whey, organic vegetables and fruits, organic cheese, all GMO free as Alfie is nuts about it. Old Farm pigs lead a happy, free life and when they go to meet their maker and become my bacon, the meat is succulent and delicious. Their sausages are free of preservatives with a huge meat content. I adore their mince pork meat, their roasts and streaky bacon. Their pork chops are legendary too! They make the best pork lard in the market, pure gold leaf goodness that is amazing for making tamales.
We order a box of meat every month or so and in case you're wondering, no, I don't get any commission for recommending them! They are good friends who share a passion for good food, farmed sustainably. I cannot recommend them enough!